- Express Freight:
- The dispatching of your shipments between departure and arrival airports is done by the first available flight, thus realized the quicker connection and the insurance for a sufficient room
- Privileged Direct Flights
- Risk of overrunning reduced time limit
Express Freight Connection
- Connecting departure and arrival airport takes an average of 48 up to 96 hours Competitive tariff terms through our privileged purchase power to airlines
Special Express Freight
- Huge and in excess of the traditional weight limit shipments which cannot be transported inside
- destinations éloignées seulement accessibles par petits porteurs.
- The luggage hold
- Distant destinations being reachable only by means of small planes
- Particular or non habitual freight transport which needs special constraints according to specificities: bulk, fragile, precious, perishable, dangerous
- Express Freight on Board
- Urgent forwarding such as hand carry
- Escort of your parcels by a commissioned agent from their reception to the delivery
- A round the clock follow-up of your shipments by trustful and operational agents
- Immediate management of your export, import and customs problems by our own collaborators.